Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A passing cloud of countless droplet thoughts in my mind sky or may be I can say lingering cloud as they pop up quite frequently to remind me of their existence worrying that I might forget them.
So today I have decided to pen down strictly my foremost ones.

I attribute way too much importance to reason over action in general sense. Mind you, it better be convincing enough. Except for few actions such as discrimination of any kind based on sex, racism, social and financial status or challenged people etc. can never be reasoned. As everyone is aware, even murder is pardoned if based on a proper reason.
This belief always helped me to maintain my relations in an amiable manner. Most of us tend to get annoyed over actions and say words which can never be taken back. The rift that words can create will insist to remain ... I doubt even the healing power of time in this case. I'm sure if we give a chance to know the reason (however absurd the action may be), more than 80% of actions seem to abate their influence over us and eventually may even make us laugh when we look back. Happened to me N number of times :) . So got to be careful with people who care for us and good relationships as they are much more important than material things can ever buy. Thanks to God for giving this valuable sense amidst so much nonsense. A good friend lost is lost forever and I'm also grateful to God for giving me such good friends who understand me very well . Special ones among them can literally read my silence too. One special person who gives me benefit of doubt in matters that might appear most stupid and unreasonable to others (that's seldom) ... that much she respects my judgement. I love her the same way....
Heard lot of people including family and all friends saying that world is filled with liars and deceivers, but what I see first in my world is THEM :D ... They are all part of my world. I keep finding wonderful people in my walk of life from whom I get inspired in one way or other. God's creation, I guess is too uniquely intricate. Every person has their own share of capabilities and flaws. As long as we are cautious, don't really have to worry about negative aspects. What can a person ask for more who already has a most protective and loving family possible and wonderful friends !!! :) I would always keep them that way.
Oh !!! OK, back to the main path from deviation. If only I find the reason unconvincing or untimely done action, I wouldn't find that action any appealing however righteous it may be. This is the attitude I got to change and hope very soon I will. With or without reason we might get involved in a mistake, here again with or without our action. Learnt to deal with such things too. Reason need not really be in its most clear form and shape to be appreciated by everyone, for me a strong opinion or faith in my judgement is a good enough reason to be decisive :) ... I always ask my closest friends to be candid about my actions. I'm no God to be right all the time and they are the people whom I immensely respect and if I see a reason, immediate change would be my action.
Even though I never much thought or said about it, I realised that I always had opinions about certain views somewhere in the nadir sections of my brain. I conveniently forgot the most fundamental fact that I'm no one to opine about anyone even in my deep most thoughts when I'm not living their lives or when their lives are not troubling mine.

Now I totally understand that every single thing happens for a reason, purpose or at the least brings us a lesson which we really need to learn. Problem is that we realize it little late. Anyways, I learnt my lesson and hereby I pronounce myself abdicated from my throne of pride... GOOD FOR ME !!!

This is my foremost droplet thought based on my limited resources from even more limited exposure of this world. Hence, I leave this debate in abeyance here ...!!!!

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